Monday, April 18, 2016

vSphere 6 vCenter error: You do not have permission to view this object or this object does not exist

vSphere 6 vCenter error: You do not have permission to view this object or this object does not exist

Windows AD account being used may not be administration member of the vsphere.local domain identity source domain provided by the vCenter Single Sign-On system.


Log onto vCenter using the administrator account for the vsphere.local identity source domain provided by the vCenter Single Sign-On system.  This account was configured during the vCenter installation.

In vSphere web client, navigate to Administration -> Single Sign On -> Users and Groups -> select the ADMINISTRATOR group name and add the Windows AD domain account or group to be used for administration of the vSphere infrastructure.

Logout and re-login with the Windows AD account used above.


  1. Thanks for this solution, it helped a lot.

  2. Solution suggests:

    Log onto vCenter using the administrator account for the vsphere.local identity source domain provided by the vCenter Single Sign-On system.  This account was configured during the vCenter installation.

    What is the next step when this fails?

    I installed the vCenter
    I can ssh to it using the credentials I defined.
    I can login at port 5480 to the VMware vSphere Appliance Management

    However the same credentials to the vsphere-client give me:

    Unable to login because you do not have permission on any vCenter Server systems connected to this client. Check the vSphere Web Client server logs for details

    I believe I am using the credentials I defined at installation time for SSO. However if I were to assume this is not the case, then no one has the credentials. However do I recover from here?

  3. what is Odd is this Group does exist and you cannot add any users to it. something has changed and its not documented anywyere.

  4. Administrator Group Does NOT Exist to add users if any one believes it does send photos so i can see what your looking at.
